The author has compiled her best thoughts sent in a collection of emails to students at all levels over several decades. These messages were first created to teach beginning students about their own emotional needs as nurses and ways to meet these needs. Later, more content was created for mature, practicing nurses who also needed soul food during their post-professional and graduate education. Lastly, nurse educators and nurse leaders need encouragement to build the emotional strength of their students or staff, as well as caring for their own well-being.
Since these messages make the best impact in small doses, nurse educators and leaders are encouraged to copy and paste individual entries into an email to their students or staff. Alternatively, copy and share the entire free book to whomever may benefit from reading the material. The content is not limited to nurses, although geared to that audience. The author offers this content as a gift to all.
Copyright by Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED) allows all content to be freely copied and redistributed in any medium or format provided that appropriate credit is provided to the author, and the material is not used for commercial purposes. Please share this content with whomever may benefit from these words.

ISBN 978-0-9796511-3-7
"What a jewel this compilation of email messages from a passionate and dedicated faculty member to her students. Not only are these passages inspirational, they target real life every day and timeless issues, situations, and challenges for nurses at all levels of their career development with encouraging and sound advice...The messages and the messenger represent what is best about the art and science of the wonderful profession that we all love so dearly..."
Judy A. Beal, DNSc, RN, FNAP, FAAN
Professor and Dean Emerita
Simmons University
Academic Consultant